Recommended Book Lists

In this post I wrote about the importance of reading aloud with your children. In response I received several requests from parents to provide a list of books I would recommend for reading aloud (or for your children to read independently as they get older).

Below is the beginning of a list, I will continue to add to it over time as we read more books (or I remember the good ones we have read, unfortuntely, I have not kept a list). These are personal recommendations based on what we have enjoyed as a family.

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Picture books

While some of the books listed below are clearly for a younger age group, I haven’t put an age group, because I think many picture books can be enjoyed by all ages, including adults! They are often beautifully written and illustrated with stunning artwork.


For ages 7-10


For ages 10-14


For ages 15+

The power of gratitude in creating a joyful life

Why is incorporating a practice of gratitude into our every day life so important? Psychology research has shown that having a gratitude practice can increase our happiness, improve health and well-being, strengthen our ability to deal with adversity, and even enhance...

Growth and Gratitude Journal

This month I launched the Growth and Gratitude Journal: a tool to focus on growth and gratitude in just a few minutes a day. I created it partially because I was looking for a journal like this, and could not find one; but also people who purchased my book “Meaningful...

Comparison is the thief of joy

This quote is attributed to Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States, however, with the rise of social media it is probably even more relevant today. With curated feed and many only showing the best moments of their lives, it makes the comparison...

Recharging your soul

In delving into the subject of rejuvenating our souls to prepare a presentation for our weekly meaningful conversations group, I was pleasantly reassured by the wealth of tools we have available to us, to keep our minds and spirits energized, joyful, and ready to...

What does it mean to live a life of intention?

For me the answer to this question is very interconnected with my faith and what I believe the purpose of life to be—our conscious striving to develop virtues in ourselves (for example, those of being loving and kind, honest and trustworthy) and to be of service to...

I wrote a book!

I have two main passions in life—raising and educating my children to the best of my ability, and writing—and this book is a joining of those two passions! They say it takes 3 months to successfully develop a habit, with this in mind I wrote “Meaningful Conversations...

My Book

Personal Growth




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