This month I launched the Growth and Gratitude Journal: a tool to focus on growth and gratitude in just a few minutes a day. I created it partially because I was looking for a journal like this, and...
Comparison is the thief of joy
This quote is attributed to Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th president of the United States, however, with the rise of social media it is probably even more relevant today. With curated feed and many...
What does it mean to live a life of intention?
For me the answer to this question is very interconnected with my faith and what I believe the purpose of life to be—our conscious striving to develop virtues in ourselves (for example, those of...
I wrote a book!
I have two main passions in life—raising and educating my children to the best of my ability, and writing—and this book is a joining of those two passions! They say it takes 3 months to successfully...
Love: the ultimate agent of social change
In a post a while back I wrote that “love is the ultimate agent of social change”, and more recently, while preparing a program for our weekly devotional on the topic of love, I reflected on this...
Schooling at home in the time of a pandemic
I have been getting asked by parents for recommendations on how to help their children adjust to school at home during this new school year, now that many are choosing the virtual options that...
Meditation and learning to meditate
Given the growing wealth of scientific evidence on the benefits of meditation and the fact that it is an important spiritual practice of my Faith, it is a skill I have been working to develop and...
How do we find contentment?
In our weekly neighborhood devotional, we were challenged to think about the concept of contentment. What does it mean to be content in life, and how do you achieve contentment? Is there really such...
Number one hack to schooling at home: the benefits of reading aloud with your children
During this period in which many of us are sheltering at home during the corona virus pandemic, I have been asked by friends who know that I have always homeschooled my boys, what advice I can offer...