Inspiration for fasting

March 13, 2020

My son turned fifteen towards the end of 2019, so this is his first year of fasting (Bahá’ís between the ages of 15 and 70 fast from sunrise to sunset for a period of 19 days in March every year). It has been so special to share this first Fast with him (how can my baby be 15 years old?!). 

I made these cards for us to reflect daily on the importance and purpose of having a period of fasting. Each quote is paired with a picture from our last pilgrimage together. I shared an image of these cards on Instagram and got several requests to share them, so here is a free PDF download for you, if you are interested in printing them out and using them. 

I hope you enjoy reflecting on these quotes with your loved ones. I would love to see how you are using these cards—please share and tag me on Instragram, Facebook, or Pinterest (I am simplestrandoflove on all social platforms).

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Meaningful Conversations With Our Children

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